Pēdējā atjaunošana 14.01.2025.
ilūzija starpposms 2024. gada 20. novembris 2025. gada 20. marts Ramins Nafikovs. Arturs Akopjans. Gleznas.
Kārums skatītājam un vitamīns viņa dvēselei
Jurģis Akmeņkalns Ramins Nafikovs
Born: 03.12.1967. Kazan. Tatarstan. Russia Education: 1991-1997 - Latvian Academy of Arts, Faculty of monumental painting. Head - prof. Indulis Zarins, prof. Aleksey Naumov 1983-1987 - Kazan Art School.
Solo exhibitions: 2024 Zehntausend dinge, gallery Am Roten Hof, Vienna 2023 Gallery BelovArt, Kazan 2022 Gallery Tsha, Kazan 2021 1st gallry lounge, Kazan 2019 Harley Davidson gallery, Kazan 2018., Inner Bulgaria, Erarta museum, S.Peterburg 2016., 1st gallery launge, Kazan 2012., Gallery am Roten Hof, Vienna 2012., galleri TORNBY, Denmark 2012., Gallery A 3, Moscow 2011., Gallery BK, Innsbruck 2011., A performance at the gallery "Intrigue", Riga 2011., Gallery «am Roten Hof», Vienna 2011., Gallery «Antonija», Riga 2010., The State Museum of Fine Arts of Tatarstan, Kazan. 2008. "AkBars gallery," Kazan. 2007. The cultural center "Dom", Moscow. 2006., Gallery «Pedant», Riga. 2005., Gallery «AG-7", Riga. 2005., Gallery «D` L », Kazan. . 2004., Gallery «D` L », Kazan. 2003., Gallery «D` L », Kazan. 2002., Gallery «Daugava», Riga. 2002. Exhibition Hall of Artists Union of RT (Republic of Tatarstan), Kazan. 2000.Exhibition Hall of Union of Architects of RT, Kazan. 1998. Exhibition Hall of Artists Union of RT, Kazan. Group exhibitions: 2024 - «Century of Avant-garde», The State Museum of Fine Arts of RT, Kazan 2023 - «Whats left after me», Zaman Muzeum, Udmurt Republican Museum of Fine Arts, Izhevsk 2023 «The Archipelago of Dreams», «Smena», Kazan, superviser Sergey Guskov 2023 «Folds of Wandering», gallery «JART», Moscow, superviser Sergey Hachaturov 2023 «Dedication to Kandinsky», Gallery of Modern Art, Kazan 2023 Bagatellen, gallery Am Roten Hof, Vienna 2022 Biennial of African Art "DakArt", Veterans House, Dakar, Senegal 2022 "Insights. Contemporary art of Kazan. XX-XI centuries", Victoria Gallery, Samara 2022 Artist, Speak, Annual Exhibition of Latvian Artists, Exhibitional hall of the union of artist of Latvia, Riga 2021 4th Novosibirsk International Graphics Triennal, Novosibirsk Museum of Fine Art, Novosibirsk 2021 Wasara, gallery Mann Letland 2020 7th charty auction Off White, Cosmoskow, Gostiny Dvor, Moskow 2020 2-nd Garage Triennal off Russian Contemporary Art A Beautiful Night For All The People, Modern Art Museum Garage, Moskow 2018 3-rd Novosibirsk International Grafik Triennal, Novosibirsk Museum of Fine Art. Novosibirsk 2017 «Summer Exshibinion, Royal Academy of Art, London 2017 «Four stories», Bashkir State Museum of Fine Arts, Ufa 2017 «Four stories», Central House of Artists, Moscow 2016 «Moscows seasons, Central House of Artists, Moscow 2016 - Vasara, Elgava, Letland 2016 Not realism, The State Museum of Fine Arts of Tatarstan, Kazan. 2016 «12 JARE 12 KUNSLER, gallery Am Roten Hoff, Vienna. 2015 "East-West", Gallery Kashirka, Moscow 2015 Vasara, Elgava, Letland 2015 - "Yellow Submarine", Central House of Artists, Moscow 2014 - "different reality", Central House of Artists, Moscow 2014 - "Abstraction", Gallery Hazine, Kazan 2013., Gallery Smena, Kazan 2013 - «Rudens», an annual exhibition of Latvian artists, Riga 2013 - "Big Volga" regional exhibition Volga, Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod 2013 - "Space ideal", gallery "Nagorny", Moscow 2013 Art Rome, Rome 2012. Above and behind the plane I International Projekt, gallery Belyaevo, Moscow 2012. AbstractArt, gallery Nagorny, Moscow 2011. Christmas exhibition, gallery Am Roten Hoff, Vienna 2011. "Smell of Summer", Gallery "Intrigue", Riga. 2011., Transparency IV Moscow biennale, Moscow 2011., "Flight" gallery "Intrigue", Riga. 2010., A regional exhibition, dedicated to Victory Day, the Museum of Fine Arts of the Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan. 2008. "Painting of the Year", Gallery «ASuna», Riga. 2008. "European Cities", Gallery «ASuna», Riga. 2008., "Spring Salon", Exhibition Hall of Artists Union of the Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan. 2007., "Autumn", competitive exhibition of Samara. 2007., "Picture of the Year", Gallery «ASuna», Riga. 2007., "Spring Salon", the Union of Artists Exhibition Hall RT, Kazan. 2006. "Autumn Salon", Exhibition Hall of Artists Union of RT, Kazan. 2005., "Spring Salon", the Union of Artists Exhibition Hall RT, Kazan. 2004., "Spring Salon", the Union of Artists Exhibition Hall RT, Kazan. 2003., «Rudens», an annual exhibition of Latvian artists, the exhibition hall "Arsenals", Riga. 2003. "Bolshaya Volga" Regional Exhibition, Nizhny Novgorod. 2002., "Picture of the Year", Gallery «ASuna», Riga. 2002., "Spring Salon", the Union of Artists Exhibition Hall RT, Kazan. 2001., "Picture of the Year", Gallery «ASuna», Riga. 2001., "Young Artists of Latvia", Prague. Official exhibition in the honor of the Latvian Culture in Prague. Organizers: the Ministry of Culture of Latvia, the Embassy of Latvia in the Czech Republic, gallery «Daugava». 2001., «Rudens», an annual exhibition of Latvian artists, the exhibition hall "Arsenals", Riga. 2000., "Spring Salon", the Union of Artists Exhibition Hall RT, Kazan. 1999., "Russia-9," All-Russian Exhibition, Exhibition Hall "Manege", Moscow. 1999., "Spring Salon", the Union of Artists Exhibition Hall RT, Kazan. 1998. "Bolshaya Volga" Regional Exhibition, Nizhny Novgorod. 1998. "Autumn Salon", Exhibition Hall of Artists Union of RT, Kazan. 1997., «Pavasaris», an annual exhibition of Latvian artists, the exhibition hall "Latvia", Riga. 1997. "Autumn Salon", Exhibition Hall of Artists Union of RT, Kazan. 1996., "Spring Salon", the Union of Artists Exhibition Hall RT, Kazan. 1996., "Love", Gallery «ASuna», Riga. 1996., Student exhibition, Goethe Institute, Riga. 1995., Student exhibition, Goethe Institute, Riga. 1991. International Exhibition "TATART", Kazan - Leningrad - Helsinki.
The monumental work: 2005., Painting VIP room office building "Tattransgaz", Kazan, Podluzhny str. 19 2004., Decor storefront "Gifts", Kazan, Bauman str. 13 1998., Painting the lobby of the building of the World Tatar Congress, Kazan, Theatrical str. 5
1. xxx.a/e, 102x95, 2023. 2. xxx,a/e, 100x100, 2024. 3. xxx. a/e, 100x100, 2024.
4.xxx.a/e, 98x102, 2024. 5. xxx, a/e, 97x103, 2024. 6. xxx. a/e, 95x101,2024.
7. xxx.a/e, 100x100, 2024. 8. xxx,a/e, 100x100, 2024. 9. xxx.a/e, 101x109, 2011.
10. xxx.a/e, 83x57, 2019. 11. Bruņinieks. a/e, 81x100, 2016. 12. xxx.a/e, 79x107, 2020
13. Vecais avots. a/e, 81x121, 2018. 14. ICE. a/e, 82x136, 2023. 15. xxx. a/e, 80x195, 2022
16. xxxx. a/e, 70x50, 2024. 17. xxx. a/e, 70x50, 2024. 18. xxx. a/e, 70x50, 2024.
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Arturs Akopjans
Description Born in October 31 th 1969.
Education 1996 THE ART ACADEMY OF LATVIA - Department of Painting Member of Artist, Union of Latvia.
Achievements: 2000 - " Riga in Contemporary Art " Riga City Council Prize for the best work.
2012 - 2017 Kim Bernhard gallery, Denmark 2000 - 2013 A.Suna gallery, Riga 2011, 2012 " Amrothen Hof gallery " Austria
Group exhibition: 2012 - 1-International Project " Abstract Art in Modern Russia " The exhibition " The Space of the Ideal " Moscow gallery " Nagornaiya " 2008 - " European Cities " Brussel 2005 - II The General exhibition of Latvian art exhibition hall " Arsenal ", Riga 2004 - GALERIE ARTE Q Belgium 2003 - " 21 out 21 " Brussel 2002 - " 21 out 21 " Riga
Works are in personal collections: Latvia, Lithaunia, Russia, USA, Canada, UK, Norway, Finland, Denmark, Berlin, Israel, Armenia.
2013 - catalog of the exhibition " Harmony " Moscow 2012 - catalog " Abstract Art in Modern Russia " 2008 - 2011 - catalogs in " EUROPEAN CITIES " in the paintings of Latvian artists 2008 - catalog " Painting in Latvia " Riga 1999 - catalog project " 21 out 21 " Riga 1998 - catalog visual art competition RIGA IN CONTEMPORARY ART '98
art.arturs@inbox.lv Arturs Akopjans I Facebook
Glezniecībā grūtākais ir aizkustināt
Jurģis Akmeņkalns
1. U z skolu. a/a, 88x139, 2022. 2. Skatiens. a/a,88x139, 2023. 3.Nepazīstamā. a/a,89x138, 2018.
4. Uz jaunām mājām.a/a,90x100, 2024. 5. Pameta.a/a, 90x100, 2023. 6. Tumsā. a/a, 90x100, 2023.
7. Izbrīns. a/a, 90x100, 2024. 8. Vakars. a/a, 89x110, 2024. 9. Mana skaistāmāmiņa. a/a, 89x110, 2024.
10. Atpūta. a/a, 89x120, 2024. 11. Smalkā. a/a, 94x73, 2024. 12. Klusums. a/a, 89x106, 2024.
13.Pulksten piecos. a/a, 89x110, 2024. 14. Draudzenes. a/a, 81x133, 2022 15. Saimnieku meklējot. a/a, 90x137, 2024.
16. Dziedātājas. a/a, 89x139, 2024. 17. Coco. a/a, 89x138, 2023. 18. Uz svinībām. a/a, 89x139, 2024.
19. Muiža. a/a, 89x139, 2024. 20. Raudupiete. a/a, 89x139, 2023. 21. Krēsla. a/a, 89x140, 2023.
22. Gaida. a/a, 83x101, 2014. 23. Divas māsas. k/a, 89x101, 2010. 24. Influencere. a/a, 89x139, 2024.
25. Pie tāfeles. a/a, 129x91, 2020. 26. Vientuļā. a/a, 85x70, 2019. 27. Maigums. a/a, 85x65, 2023.
28. Naktskreklā. a/a, 75x90, 2017 29. Saulainā. a/a, 75x90, 2017. 30. Taurenis. a/a, 75x100, 2019.
31. Sapnis. a/a, 78x89, 2016 32. Tasi kafijas. a/a, 68x97, 2024. 33. Princese. a/a, 70x96, 2016.
34. Pavasaris. a/a, 69x91, 2017. 35. Gulošā. a/a, 72x72, 2016 36. Stefans. a/a, 68x72, 2020
37. Harmonija. a/a, 65x75, 2020 38. Lama. 65x85, 2021. 39. Laimes vīruss. a/a, 64x109, 2017.
40. Lilita. a/a, 61x75, 2011 41. Klusums. a/a, 61x90, 2020. 42. Skaistums. a/a, 56x140, 2023.
43. Āboli. a/a, 52x85, 2017 44. Ielokā. a/a, 54x88, 2017 45. Virsma. a/a, 40x50, 2020. 46. Granātāboli. a/a, 43x66, 2019.
Ieskats izstādē
Galerija MANS'S, Brīvības iela 154, Jēkabpils, LV 5201.
Tālrunis: 652 31953, mob. tālr. 29470597. E-pasts: manss@apollo.lv
Darbalaiks: pirmdiena piektdiena 9.0018.00, sestdiena 9.0015.00, svētdiena slēgts.