Last updated  16.04.2005. 

  Phone: +371 652 31953, mob. phone +371  29470597

Address: Brivibas str. 154, Jekabpils, Latvia, LV 5201




One of the first private gallery in Latvia MANS'S opened its doors in 1991. During 13 years the gallery has organized more than 200 exhibitions of painting, textile art, books illustrations, bookplates and applied arts.

A director of gallery  and painter Uldis Camans has organized and taken part in exhibitions of Latvian modern art in Germany, Denmark, Belgium, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, Lithuania and Estonia. The gallery is a member of Latvian Gallery Association and its action is regularly expressed in the brochure "Guide of galleries". It is possible to set up large exhibitions with a lot of participants in the wide rooms. paintings of local and famous Latvian painters as well as painting of foreign authors are regularly exhibited in a gallery.

Gallery MANS'S  has a co-operation with the Latvian State Art Museum ARSENALS, the museum in Rokiski (Lithuania), the art gallery in Dusetas (Lithuania), with the galleries LAIPA (Latvia, Valmiera), BIRKENFELDS (Latvia, Riga), with Jekabpils Town council and Regional Council as well a with Jekabpils Art School.

Tourists from other countries and official visitors of the town Jekabpils visit the gallery with pleasure. In 13-year existence the gallery has proved its necessity, successful activities and development in a small provincial town.


The major exibitions

  • The Great summer exhibition (1992-2004)

  • "The dog of Pompey". J. Zvirbulis.  One-man exhibition (2004)

  • "Politeness of the dimensions". Exhibition of painters group from Jekabpils (2004)

  • Peder Stougord (Denmark). Paintings (2003)

  • Liga Silniece (Sweden). Paintings (2003)

  • Asta Keraitiene (Lithuania). One-man exhibition (2003)

  • Irina Kovnacka (USA). Paintings (2003)

  • Inta Celmina un Eduards Grube. Paintings (2002)

  • Helena and Ivars Heinrihsons. Paintings (2001)

  • "The acquaintance". Exhibition of painters group from Dusetas (Lithuania)  (2001)

  • Janis Anmanis.  One-man exhibition. (2001)

  • Daiga Lapsa.  Paintings and drawings. (2000)

  • "World without borders". Hortenzija Hoetsjan (Estland). Paintings (1999)

  • Exhibition of painters group from Aizkraukle (Latvia)  (1999)

  • U. Camans. Paintings (1999)

  • Exhibition of painters group from Jekabpils (1999)

  • Ligita Caune. Personal exhibition (1998)

  • The exhibition of Latvian textile  (1997)

  • Juris Jurjans. Paintings (1997)

  • Vita Merca. Paintings (1996)

  • Rigmor Gammelgard (Denmark). Patchworks (1996)

  • Dace Lapinas. Personal exhibition (1996)

  • Liga Purmale. Paintings  (1995)

  • Lilita Postaza. Paintings and  gobelins (1995)

  • Henrijs Klebahs. One-man exhibition (1995)

  • Ilze Avotina.  Paintings (1994)

  • Vija Maldupe. Paintings (1994)

  • "The nude". Exhibition of painters group from Riga (1994)

  • Ligita Caune. Watercolor paintings. (1993)

  • J. Pigoznis un I. Vecozols. paintings (1993)

  • Maija Tabaka. Paintings (1993)

  • Dzemma Skulme and Marta Skulme. Oil and watercolor paintings(1993)

  • Voldemars Voguls un Olga Voguls. Ceramics (1993)

  • Edite Krastenberga. Personal exhibition (1992)

  • Rudolfs Berzins. Paintings (1992)

  • "The nude". Exhibition of painters group from Riga (1992)

  • UxI2+S... Exhibition of young painters group from Jekabpils (1991)

History of gallery

 in photos

Opening of the personal exhebition of artist Janis Anmanis

Opening of the personal exhebition of artist Irina Kovnacka

German artist Dieter and Rosvitha Pentzek at the art gallery

The famous Latvian artist Dzemma Skulme signs up in a visitors book

Artist Vija Maldupe and her doughters at the opening of here personal exhibition

Art scientist Sarmite Sile in the making of the TV programme "Vernisage"

Opening of the personal exhebition of artist

Ilze Avotina

Opening of the personal exhebition of artist

 Maija Tabaka

